Yeah, nothing's changed. Everything's still coming up. (well, the only 1 thing I had planned is still coming up. Flash Hell) I haven't worked on flash hell since about a month or 2 ago, but don't worry ibhenowflee, I have a shit load of time during the break. Anyway, I've been busy with school, which is why I haven't been doing much other than depositing and getting a few blams and saves every now and then. That and because the Newgrounds forums are dead. Like, really dead. Like, I haven't seen a good topic to post in for about 3 to 4 months dead. So that's why my post count hasn't increased in forever. Don't get me wrong though, I still love Newgrounds! It's just I haven't had as much time as before now that I'm not slacking off as much in school. (still slacking a little, but not C's slacking.)
On an unrelated note, I found my old Dreamcast cords so I've been playing a lot of street fighter 3rd strike and Shenmu. Both pretty awesome games. Also been playing Street Fighter 2 Turbo HD Remix on the 360, which has some of the most fun online I've played in a while. While the rapid Street Fighter fandom was coursing through my veins I almost manged to pick up one of these nifty press kits before they al sold out on Thursday. Things are already going for a fortune on ebay. Now, I've got my Megaman 9 and Street Fighter 2 Turbo HD Remix press kits and II'm happy I got them while they were still cheap.
Also, Megaman X2 Shroyuken.
Wayne's world
KIRBYLINK (Updated )
party time, EXCELLENT!