Since I'm a lazy whore who hasn't been doing much lately, It's time for a new post. Sorry for not being on Newgrounds as often as I usually am, I'm actually trying in school these next 4 years. Especially since we have our GPA's and such now. High school isn't bad for all of those who say otherwise, it's just more crowed and has a lot more assholes than before. Being a freshman shouldn't serve as any sort of problem as long as you aren't a complete faggot. Anyway, I've been wanting to get back to animating since I don't suck complete ass, like I did in my submission here. I've got so many ideas to implement, it has just become to much.
I've been sick the past three days, and over the three days I discovered 2 things, Square actually didn't fuck up a game, and T.V. Sucks hard ass. I can't believe how terrible Television Is now, it's like trying to watch 3 semi-retarded children tell jokes and write serious stories that try to appeal to people with references. Now I see why most other countries call America stupid, because anyone with a small enough intelligence, or someone childish enough to watch it for an extended amount of time must be suffering some sort of damage to their head. I digress though, some shows are actually entertaining and do manage to make me laugh, but thats on about 1%. As for Square Enix, I finally got past enough emo in The World Ends With You to find a interesting story line and extremely fun gameplay mechanics, such as getting use to controlling both characters in order to pull off super moves, or just dominating the enemy without getting hit.
If it's to much to read just comment about something else.
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do it your self.
I'm done.